Posts by Stacey Lesnik
My name is Stacey and I am a 28 year old wife and mama to two beautiful daughters… basically, we’re raising a tiny girl gang haha! Our home is situated in the heart of the praries in Alberta, Canada and is filled with all the wild things from foxes, deer, moose and our pet Golden Retriever, Finley. I am a huge advocate for mental health, inner peace and all things motherhood, and I truly found myself when I became a mother which is something I cherish so deeply. However, before I was a tiny persons everything, my passions include beauty (I am a retired beauty pageant queen) music, traveling and fitness. I utilize my platform to empower other mamas; whether it's through the trying to conceive journey, pregnancy , birth, postpartum, real life laughs or feeling confident with a new cute outfit idea. But most of all, I really want anyone I interact with to know that I am down to earth, and always up for a good chat with an iced coffee in hand.

Nursing, Grieving, Pregnant and Healing: My Journey with PWD
I’ll never forget my OB saying “Stacey, I’m sorry. But I really recommend you stop breastfeeding to give this pregnancy an extra fighting chance”.
