Posts by Jessie Jaskulsky
The road to parenthood was challenging for me. In 2016,I lost my son, Luke, at 22 weeks gestation. After this unimaginable loss, the longing my husband and I felt to be parents was all consuming. I underwent a series of surgeries and procedures until I was diagnosed with Asherman's Syndrome (a rare complication from an early delivery). With the difficulty of getting pregnant compounded with my previous preterm delivery, my husband and I decided a gestational carrier was the safest way for us to bring a baby to life.
Fast forward to now, after countless bumps in the road (more on that later!) and just about an obstacle everywhere we turned, we are the proud parents of our two daughters, Lily and Luna. It is through my experience with surrogacy that I am passionate to simplify the process for others. Having gone through this beautiful but wildly complicated process twice, I am motivated to help others create the family of their dreams. The hours spent researching each step of the process is overwhelming; this is where our team steps in. We understand firsthand how long the days can feel when longing for a child. When working with us, you will receive concierge services that guide you through the every step of the process allowing you to truly enjoy the experience and prepare for the most special moment of your life.

Birth Stories
Turning Pain into Purpose: My Motherhood Journey
My journey to motherhood was painful. When all else failed, we pursued surrogacy to build our family. I experienced firsthand how wildly complicated the entire process of surrogacy is and I was determined to simplify the journey for others so I created Surrogacy Simplified.
