Supporting women has always been something I’ve cared deeply about. By taking a step into the most uncomfortable thing I’ve ever done, creating a podcast, it has connected me with people I never dreamed I would get the privilege to meet.
I’m Samantha Cieslinski, Founder of The Running Wine Mom Podcast, a mom of two, and a strong advocate for sipping wine. Here is my story of how and why I created a podcast, and how it fills my cup in my journey throughout motherhood.
Where my love of social media began, @RunSamRun12
Let’s rewind to where it all was 7th grade and I realized I had a passion for photography and a penchant for connecting with others. I can still remember when Facebook came out and it was only for college kids. I patiently waited for my school to be accepted.
Once I was on, I was hooked. My love of social media came to fruition. Since then I have always loved sharing what is happening in my life. It was about 9 years ago when I started my fitness account @RunSamRun12 and my passion turned into something more.
Pivoting my content creation focus towards motherhood
Fast forward to November 2020, when motherhood welcomed me with open arms and a whirlwind of uncertainty. Suddenly, I found myself navigating uncharted territories without a guidebook. As I juggled the joys and challenges of raising my daughter, I realized the need to pivot my content towards balancing motherhood—thus, @RunSamRun12 turned into The Running Wine Mom. It became a sanctuary where I shared not only my passions but also the realities of parenthood.
A Sanctuary for Motherhood Truths
One thing I love to share is the truths of motherhood. One of my truths was that after I had my daughter, in the middle of winter and Covid, I found I was missing something. My days felt like Groundhogs Day and I felt like I had little control over my own time. From this “lack” I found an outlet in writing. I created my first journal prompt book during my maternity leave called “100 Days of Happiness” which focused on daily writings to find the simple things that bring happiness in life.
I returned to work and I still felt like I was missing something. I was going through the motions of the daily grind of teaching and coming home exhausted and unsatisfied. By the fall of 2021 I was pregnant with our second child, Parker, and I shared all about my pregnancy, his newborn phase, and the chaos of 2 under 2.
Finding Comfort in the Chaos of Parenthood
As my following grew, I realized that I needed to add something to what I was showing the world. I felt as a teacher, it was in my soul to help others and guide them to find answers and comfort in their problems. I didn’t know what to offer the world besides the content of my life; it was in January of 2023 that I was driving home from work and a voice in my head said, ”You should start a podcast.”
I didn’t know how to start a podcast, but I figured it out!
I think I may have audibly replied saying, ”Uhhh…no way.” I had no idea where to even start with a podcast and who would even want to be interviewed. The thought wouldn’t leave my mind, so I decided to reach out to a friend’s husband and ask him for guidance. He was so helpful in giving me what programs to record on, equipment to use, and how to get the podcast out. And so began, The Running Wine Mom Podcast.
Finding my confidence — my original thoughts were that I would do mostly solo podcast episodes and have family or friends come on as a guest each month. However, I started reaching out to people I followed on Instagram who were doing amazing and inspiring things for the parenthood community and, to my surprise, they started saying “yes” when asked to be a guest. I am forever grateful for those who knew me and those who did not know me but agreed to come on in those early episodes. It gave me confidence that I never thought I would have found and helped me to continue to reach out to people.
Finding podcast guests
I do remember one specific moment where I wanted to reach out to an influencer with a huge following. I was talking to my friend and I said “She would never say yes”. Her response was “Even if she says no, you’re in the same spot that you’re in right now.” This sentence has carried on with me every day. I realized that I was holding back because I was afraid of someone saying “no”.
Since that moment, I have been able to connect with women, and men, who are truly changing the world.
Whether it is a local business owner, someone who is on a much bigger platform, my favorite author, or someone who has reached out to me hoping to get their story out. This has truly been one of my biggest creative outlets and it has made me find a passion in something I never knew I needed.
Over the past year and a half, I’ve had the privilege of attending events, receiving recognition beyond my imagination, and spearheading a nutrition and wellness program for teen athletes and adults alike.
My mission for The Running Wine Mom Podcast? To support women through the trials and triumphs of parenthood.
My biggest piece of advice to anyone in the thick of parenthood is to find one thing that you do for yourself. The response so many of you will immediately say is “I don’t have time” or “I am too busy”. I firmly believe that everyone has 10 minutes in their day they can dedicate to themselves. You can wake up 10 minutes earlier or go to bed 10 minutes later and start on whatever it is that you love – writing, meditating, doing squats. Once you get into that routine, maybe try for 15 minutes and so on and so on.
I will leave you with one last piece of advice: There is no rulebook on how you parent or live your life.
You are the creator of your story. Whatever works for your nuclear family is what you should be doing. You deserve to build the life you want and deserve. And as always, keep running, keep sipping, and keep embracing the joy of motherhood. Cheers!
For another blog on a mom finding her purpose in motherhood, read, “My Path to Triumph Over Infertility and the Creation of Binto“.