5 Things I Would Tell My Postpartum Self

5 Things I Would Tell My Postpartum Self

Postpartum anxiety. Entirely too common, yet barely spoken on.  Picture this: You’re at your 2 week incision check up from your C-section from having your first baby. You’re sleep deprived, wearing milk stained clothes, engorged breasts, and you’re just trying to get...
Social Support During the Journey to Motherhood

Social Support During the Journey to Motherhood

Dear fellow mothers, As a passionate advocate for maternal wellness and a researcher dedicated to improving social support for new mothers through innovative technology design, I am excited to discuss the profound significance of social support during the journey to...
Love-A-Mama Holiday Gift Exchange

Love-A-Mama Holiday Gift Exchange

Bumpdate is finding ways to bring joy this holiday season with a “Love-A-Mama Holiday Gift Exchange” on our Instagram @bumpdateapp. Give us a follow! Mamas give love every day, but they need it too! We are looking for moms to participate in a holiday gift exchange. ...