Rainbow Baby

Rainbow Baby

Photo By: Sarah Barrera Photo I am planner – it’s something that gives me a sense of control, even though I know I have no control. I had my parenthood journey naively and meticulously planned out: I would finish graduate school in 2020, become pregnant my...
Becoming “Dad”

Becoming “Dad”

Your silliest self is your best self. When we first found out my wife was pregnant, I of course wasn’t shocked because we had been trying. She began calling her mom, friends, and doctor, but I sat there and didn’t call anyone. Even though this exciting news made...
The Last Feed

The Last Feed

I’ll never forget this day. Happy and sad. Relieved and dreaded. It’s time, no it’s not. The internal monologue I’d have with myself, justifying my decision to end  breastfeeding my first born — “I got him this far.”  “We made it 9 months!” “He keeps biting me.” “He...