by Natalie Profetto | Oct 17, 2024 | Birth Stories
An alternative route to prenatal care and labor and delivery If I had my own blog, my positive, natural, and out-of-hospital birth story would definitely be on there! I feel really passionate about sharing my experience because I want to encourage and empower women to...
by Alexandra Weiss | Jul 18, 2024 | Birth Stories
When I thought about starting a family in the Fall of 2020, I thought it would be like the movies. Yes, I anticipated it could take a few months, but then I would be pregnant and growing my future child. Well, it didn’t quite happen like that for me. Month...
by Jamie Jenkins | Feb 15, 2024 | Birth Stories
November 2017. I had been a labor and delivery (L&D) nurse for 4 years at that time, and had endured almost everything the textbooks talk about. My husband and I were ready to start our own family and had no fear of doing so. We got pregnant right away and found...
by Stacey Lesnik | Dec 14, 2023 | Parenthood
Oh goodness, where to start? I am writing this out through a lot of tears at 12 am while the whole house is asleep and with a sleeping baby in my arms. I hope it will help the next mama. Here is my Post Weaning Depression (PWD) journey. I guess I could start with my...
by Chelsea Delgado | May 25, 2023 | Birth Stories
An unpredictable birth story My due date was November 26th, but I ended up having a natural, unmedicated birth about a week early. With my two previous pregnancies, I went into labor around 39 weeks and progressed pretty quickly for both of them, so the timing was not...