August 08, 2024 - 3 min read
August 08, 2024

My Final Weeks Breastfeeding My Second Son

My Final Weeks Breastfeeding My Second Son

My second son will turn 1 in 5 weeks. My goal was to breastfeed him until he turned 1, and here we are at the finish line.

I breastfed my first son for the same amount of time and it has been extremely important to me that I do the same with my second. I remember feeling uneasy about finishing with my first and I am experiencing those same feelings again. How wild is it that I feel guilty about stopping something despite knowing how much I have already given? 

My Final Weeks Breastfeeding My Second Son

I worry that I was distracted this time around and didn’t bond enough during our feeds since I was preoccupied with my older kid, or that I was looking at the clock waiting for him to finish instead of caressing his hair and telling him I love him. Did I play on my phone too much during our feeds? So many thoughts circle my mind as we come to the end of this journey.

I am fully aware that in the last 4 years I have either been pregnant or breastfeeding for over 3 of them.

I know that it is time to take my body back as my own, without growing or feeding someone from it. I know I shouldn’t feel guilty for wanting my autonomy back, but I do. I also know some moms don’t feel this way, and I wish I was one of them! This heavy guilt weighs on me. 

I am trying to remind myself that a few weeks after my last feed with my first son, I felt amazing. I remember regaining some mental clarity I had lost while pregnant and breastfeeding. That constant “mom brain” cleared away and I remember feeling like “myself” again. I remember having more energy, sleeping better and sweating less. 

My Final Weeks Breastfeeding My Second Son

I try to tell myself that I can be a better mom once I feel like this again, so this means concluding my breastfeeding journey with my sweet second little boy.

I hope I did enough for him. I hope we bonded enough and that he felt loved and warm in my arms. I hope my milk did what it was supposed to do. 

In a few months from now I know I will look back and think, “Why was I being so hard on myself?!” But for now, I’m in my feelings. I will take videos and photos over the next few weeks to commemorate this time and look back at them for the next year or so. And then one day, I won’t. 

But I’ll know that I did it.

I’ll know that I breastfed my second son for the same amount of time I did with my first, and I’ll know that I reached my goal. And I will be damn proud. 

For more stories about ending a beautiful breastfeeding journey, read, “The Last Feed” and “The Last Feed – Part 2“.

Another helpful article can be found here: “After Weaning – What Next?“.


Written by

Image of Tyler Sylk

Tyler Sylk


Tyler is the Creative Director at Bumpdate. She is a first time mother with a passion for creative writing and personal connection. With a Master’s Degree in Public Health and over 10 years working in hospital settings, Tyler focuses her energy on helping those around her and empowering them to use their voice. She believes we can all learn from each other if we take the time to listen.



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