October 20, 2022 - 5 min read
October 20, 2022

Moms on Call: The Parenting Book All My Friends Recommended

I don’t know how I would have survived early parenthood without Moms on Call (MOC)

I remember being pregnant and opening the first few pages of the 0-6 months edition, realizing it contained simple lists and explanations for how to handle different stages of my child’s development, and feeling relieved. I think I actually looked up at my ceiling in relief. After spending 9 months researching how to care for a baby, reading extremely long books that felt like I was reading a textbook, finally opening Mom’s on Call to find bullet pointed lists was a welcomed weight lifted off my shoulders. This small book that fit in my purse held more practical information than my bookshelf and web browser. It now made sense why every single one of my mom friends recommended this book; a no-frills instruction manual on how to raise a baby. 

A few direct quotes from my friends and fellow MOC mamas:

“The schedule structure and the basic principles of how the schedule worked was SO helpful even if the timing was different, having a general guide was my lifesaver. And honestly my mental health was in such rough shape for those first 3 – 4 months so it was nice to have something to look to when I could barely take care of myself.” – First time mom

 “Oh it’s actually my bible, I could talk about it for hours. I don’t really look at other sources of info honestly.” – First time mom

“I appreciated how I didn’t have to follow it 100% and it was still really helpful with baby 2. I put the schedules on the fridge so my husband had a reference and didn’t ask me about every feed or nap.” – Mom of two

I became pregnant during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic when all birthing, parenting, Lamaze, you name it, all classes were canceled. 

I went to every OB and ultrasound appointment alone and felt rushed out of the room even though my appointments were already less than 10 minutes long. I barely had enough time to ask questions about my changing body and growing baby let alone ask any questions about caring for a newborn once he arrives. I always left the office feeling a little unsettled.

I tried to fill this void with research on what was “normal” to feel during pregnancy and how to prepare for parenthood. I was fortunate enough to be able to hire a wonderful doula to help answer my questions. She was essential for my mental health and became a rock for me during the complicated birth of my son. Five days after he was born, we were home alone with a crying newborn and no nurses around to help. We were scared to even have our parents come help for fear of catching COVID. We fell into fight or flight mode. Due to the isolation, it was the advice of my friends and fellow moms that carried me through, with my biggest reference being Moms on Call. 

Those long, dark nights with a newborn that were filled with cries, anxiety and fear were calmed many times when we opened our MOC book for advice. 

“Oh right! Moms on Call told me to buy baby acetaminophen so it’s already in our medicine cabinet.” They even gave recommendations for different illnesses such as croup, to steam up the bathroom with hot air, let your baby breathe in there, then put your baby’s face near the freezer to get cool air on their lungs. This quick transition can help settle their airway so they can breathe a little easier. This method is backed by MOC and pediatricians, but our pediatrician wasn’t readily available like my Moms on Call book at 2 o’clock in the morning. So despite all of our uncertainty, we knew we had a trusted source we could turn to. A source that all of our friends before us had relied on and sworn by. A book written by moms who were also nurses. They just, “got it”. 


A few months went by and we finally started to get into a groove. Of course, that’s when his needs changed and it was time to introduce solid foods. Why does it always feel like everything changes the second you start to gain some confidence? I’ve learned that this is a common feeling of parenthood. We pivot again and again. Moms on Call came to the rescue with exact measurements of milk to puree ratios, food types, food consistency, and how exactly to feed this food to our ever changing baby and when to do so. They even explained how to teach a baby to drink from a straw! This was particularly pivotal for us since our baby refused bottles and I was exclusively breastfeeding. This opened a lot of doors for us as I was no longer his only way to feed. He could now drink breastmilk and formula from a sippy cup. 

Thankfully, the book series covers you all the way through toddlerhood. 

These simple lists and explanations are essential when you have no time for fluff and need a quick answer on how to parent your child. A household name and a life saver for all new parents, Mom’s on Call has become the word of mouth “must have” as we transition to these new roles of “mom” and “dad”. 


If this is your first time hearing about Moms on Call, add it to your registry, buy it, gift it to every expecting family or new parent that you know – you will be glad you did. 


Written by

Image of Tyler Sylk

Tyler Sylk


Tyler is the Creative Director at Bumpdate. She is a first time mother with a passion for creative writing and personal connection. With a Master’s Degree in Public Health and over 10 years working in hospital settings, Tyler focuses her energy on helping those around her and empowering them to use their voice. She believes we can all learn from each other if we take the time to listen.


1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    These books sound like a great resource- thanks for sharing! Xo

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