Realizing struggles are a normal part of motherhood
I too felt enormous guilt and panic about the responsibilities of motherhood
Too many of us suffer in silence because we feel shame about the hardships of motherhood. According to a Huffington Post survey, 90% of moms feel alone in their motherhood journey. It is a staggering statistic, and I was one of those 90%. I too felt enormous guilt and panic about the responsibilities of motherhood. I remember calling my father-in-law a few weeks postpartum crying, and he told me that my mother-in-law had felt the same way. A light bulb went on in my head at that time. Why wasn’t anyone talking about this? If I had known that it was normal to feel that way, it would have made me feel so much better.
Motherhood is the hardest AND most wonderful thing, and I feel deeply that both need to be discussed
My book doesn’t just talk about the love and blessings of motherhood. There is an entire section filled with poems about mom guilt, exhaustion, overwhelm, worry, doubt, sadness, and just about every other emotion that we go through. Motherhood is the hardest AND most wonderful thing, and I feel deeply that both need to be discussed. Mothers need to know that other mothers feel the same way that they do and that doesn’t make us bad mothers. It makes us human. My greatest hope is that every mother who reads From the Heart of a Mother feels less alone and more understood. My book also has sections for moms of younger kids and moms of older kids so that every mother will feel themselves in this book.
Motherhood is a journey filled with roadblocks and challenges. You think you’ve gotten a handle on them, and just like whack-a-mole, more pop up. Each phase and age comes with its own set of hurdles. Learning that I am never going to have all the answers, that it is okay to make mistakes as long as I own up and learn from them, and to continue to try my best are the things that help me no matter the obstacle. I am currently dealing with a pre-teen who both pushes me away and needs me, and I am trying to let go and give her space and encouragement to find her own footing. That is so hard for me as she has needed and wanted me for so long. I am also learning that at this age, she needs me to listen and acknowledge her concerns rather than jump in and fix them for her. Listening and repeating back what she says goes a lot further than me talking and telling her what to do. This age is very challenging, and I have no doubt that teendom will come with its own unique challenges!
Here are a few of the lessons/insights gained from my book, “From the Heart of a Mother: Poetry and Words of Inspiration for All Stages of Motherhood”:
- Motherhood will help you to grow as a person because we want to be the best versions of ourselves for our kids.
- You think you know love, but the kind of love we have for our kids goes beyond anything we could comprehend.
- Motherhood will test you in every way possible. It will also show you how strong and resilient you truly are.
- You will feel the highest of highs and the lowest of lows throughout your journey.
- It is not possible to do everything right as a mother. Perfection is an impossible notion. However, your unconditional love is what your kids need. Your efforts are what they need. That is enough.
- Be open and honest about your emotions. It allows you to fully process them and it shows your kids that it is safe to have their own emotions.
- Our kids may get older, but some things never change. No matter their age and no matter ours, we will love and worry and care and try.
- We will make mistakes. Our kids will make mistakes. Apologize and keep trying.