October 26, 2022 - 3 min read
October 26, 2022

Babe: A Community Hatched for Moms All Around the World

The overwhelming sense of exhaustion, self-doubt, and loneliness that accompany early parenthood can take a toll on our daily lives. In walks Ariane Goldman, metaphorically of course. 

Ariane is the Founder of Babe, a community for moms supported by Hatch. Their blog is full of the type of content new moms crave – the raw and stripped down advice and stories that help us feel like we aren’t the only ones going through the weird physical and mental transformation of parenthood. From a hospital bag checklist breakdown to intimate thoughts you wish you had the guts to say out loud, Babe has the answers to your burning questions. They stand by their proclamation of a “no-judgment zone” and fulfill our nightly reading pleasures as a virtual support system of words that, as Ariane Goldman states, gives you that hug you’ve been needing. 

In her “Letter from the Founder”, Ariane explains the purpose behind the community:


Dear Mamas,
WOW. What a time to be alive / pregnant / nursing / postpartum! 


When we set out to create Babe 18 months ago, we knew the importance of connecting moms + moms-to-be all around the world and serving you with support, information, aspiration and HUMOR. And now, given the state of the world today, we believe – more than ever – that the concept of bringing people together is critical. 


I’ve had this note written in the back of my head for about a year, and while times have certainly changed, the philosophy of Babe remains the same. I want to arm our mamas with the right mix of content that actually speaks to you, that has your back ALWAYS, that feels relevant, modern and inclusive. “You do you” has always been our M.O. on pregnancy and parenting, and in today’s hyper Instagrammed, FOMO-inducing world, we believe more than ever that moms today need that extra reminder, that extra hug, that “we got you” boost, so you know you’re kicking ass, in whatever way you’re choosing to.


So with that, I invite you to explore the world of Babe. Come here for that pregnancy question you never knew to ask, or to hear both sides of one hyper debated issue, or just to get a few extra hacks to keep in your back pocket when sh*t hits the fan. Come here for our experts, our stories, or just for a laugh, a smile, and for the support you need during this nutty, but quite extraordinary time. 


Welcome to Babe.

Babe embodies the type of support pregnant and postpartum individuals yearn for as they journey to find their new sense of selves. 

It’s worth the read. 

We at Bumpdate strive for a similar goal – to help expecting families and new parents feel connected to their support systems at a time when they are at a statistically higher risk of experiencing mental health challenges. Research has shown that social support can help reduce this risk. Our app makes it easier for friends and family to follow along as you grow your families, so they can check in when it matters most. 

Engaging your support systems, whether simply reading helpful content on Babe, inviting your friends to follow your journey on Bumpdate, or leaning on loved ones to help lighten the load – these are just a few examples of what can help us get through the toughest of times. 

There is something comforting about knowing we’re not alone in our struggles.


Written by

Image of Tyler Sylk

Tyler Sylk


Tyler is the Creative Director at Bumpdate. She is a first time mother with a passion for creative writing and personal connection. With a Master’s Degree in Public Health and over 10 years working in hospital settings, Tyler focuses her energy on helping those around her and empowering them to use their voice. She believes we can all learn from each other if we take the time to listen.



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